Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Tugas 1 - Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Rabu 13 Jan 2016, 11:18 WIB

Ahok: Jangan Takut Hadapi MEA, Harusnya Negara Lain yang Takut

Ayunda Windyastuti Savitri - detikNews

Jakarta - Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki T Purnama (Ahok) meminta masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya ibu kota, tak takut menghadapi MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean). Menurut dia, seharusnya negara lain yang harus takut.

"Presiden (Joko Widodo) kemarin sampaikan di Rakernas PDIP harusnya menghadapi MEA kita
jangan takut, harusnya mereka (negara lain) yang takut. Kita kan jumlahnya lebih besar, SDM lebih banyak, kok takut," ujar Ahok saat memberi sambutan dalam 'Musyawarah Provinsi VII Gakeslab DKI Jakarta' di Hotel Century Park, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (13/1/2016).

"Mana ada singa takut sama kucing. Kita yang enggak becus dan kompak, ujung-ujungnya duit," imbuhnya.

Ahok mengatakan, bangsa Indonesia tidak boleh takut menghadapi apapun. Untuk menjadi bangsa yang besar dan mengungguli negara lain, Indonesia harus mulai menerapkan transparansi dalam berbagai hal.

"Saya katakan republik ini rusak karena enggak transparan. Kalau kita transparansi, ada terang terus, pasti kebenaran akan muncul," kata Ahok.

Ahok juga sempat menceritakan kala dirinya mendirikan perusahaan bor minyak di Belitung Timur bersama teman-temannya yang sudah lama ditutup. Usahanya begitu maju hingga
membuat investor luar negeri tertarik untuk membeli sebagian saham.

"Australia tawarin appraiser Rp 5 juta (kerja sama). Tapi dasar kita ini orang Indonesia, yang kita pikir ngapain jual ke lu Rp 5 juta. Harusnya kalau bisnis betul Anda lagi di puncak, ada perusahaan asing mau kerja sama Anda terima join. Cukup 30-30 persen ok. Makanya kemampuan dan jaringan kita enggak sehebat dia," terangnya.

Ahok ingin pengalamannya itu bisa dijadikan pelajaran bagi para pengusaha di Indonesia. Dia berpesan jika perusahaan sedang berada dalam masa puncak kejayaan dan ada perusahaan lain yang mau bekerja sama maka lebih baik diterima saja.


ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 (English: the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is an ASEAN economic integration in the face of free trade between countries of ASEAN countries. All ASEAN member countries have agreed this agreement. MEA is designed to realize the ASEAN Insight 2020. In the face of an extremely tight competition for the AEC, the ASEAN countries must prepare for human resources (HR) is skilled, intelligent, and competitive.

In my opinion I agree with the opinion of Mr. Basuki T Purnama (Ahok). certainly, in Indonesia has a lot of human resources and natural resources. but the technology in Indonesia has not been adequate. Indonesian society is not ready to face the MEA (ASEAN Economic Community) for industrial workers who are in Indonesia is not ready in English proficiency. Therefore, businesses must be trained in the English language to be able to market their products with foreign products. Indonesia in the face of the MEA (ASEAN Economic Community) must implement transparency in matters such as economic, political and social.

1.    Positive of impact :

·         The positive impact is skilled manpower in Indonesia will be absorbed abroad, skilled personnel which has had few opportunities for example the creative sector and UKM.
·          Prices are likely to be cheaper, because the greater availability of goods and the provision of low cost.
·         Entrepreneurial sector will open wide, business relations and more open markets as the breadth of market coverage and distribution of products, so exports and imports is not always played the big players (cartel).

2.    Negative of impact :

·         The question is are you ready nation Indonesia this free competition, on the unemployment Indonesia should be willing to give the portion of jobs to other nations, a bit like the law of the jungle economic and employment opportunities.
·         Brunt of products from ASEAN countries will flood the Indonesian market in addition to Chinese imports.
·         Small industry still faces challenges appear competition's valuable manufactured goods from outside.

3.    The Chance :

·         Online trading sector (e-comerce) wide open.
·         The services sector operating between Producer and Consumer sectors are open wide, for example delivery of goods or package.
·         Tourism sector will open wider.

Here are the benefits of MEA for Indonesia:

·         Poverty
    Down from 45 percent in 1990 to 15.6 percent in 2010.
·         Middle class
    Up from 15 percent (1990) to 37 percent (2010).
·         The investastion
-          US-grown from $ 98 billion (2010) to US $ 110 billion (2012).
-          Special Indonesia, investment grew from US $ 13.8 billion (2010) to $ 19.9 billion (2012).
·         The gross domestic product :
-          PDB 2011 growing 5.7 per cent at US $ 2.31 trillion.
-          PDB Per capita growing from US $ 965 (1998) to US $ 3,601 (2011).
·         Trading
-          Trading Goods in 2012 reached US $ 2.48 trillion.
-          Special Indonesia, ASEAN trade amounted to US $ 381.7 billion (2012).
·         The main characteristics of MEA
-          A highly competitive economic region.
-          Having a region of equitable economic development.
-           The regions will be fully integrated in the global economy
-          A single production base and market.

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