Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

Direct-Indirect speech (story of The Trickster Monkey

The Trickster Monkey

There lived a very naughty monkey named Mogri who loved to play pranks on other animals. He would drop rotten fruits on other animals and laugh at their discomfort. Samba the lion didn’t find Mogri’s tricks funny. It was insulting for the king of the jungle to have rotten fruits flung at him. He warned Mogri, “Wait! I’ll teach you a lesson soon.” But Mogri was too quick and managed to escape each time.

One day, Mogri dropped an overripe mango on Samba’s nose. But unfortunately, the branch on which he was sitting broke and he fell right on the lion’s back. Samba roared in anger and twisted from side to side to shake Mogri off. But the monkey clung tightly onto the lion’s back. Samba charged through the forest, yet Mogri, though terrified, remained on his back.

Finally tired, Samba bent down to drink water from a pond. Mogri took this opportunity to make good his escape. Ever since, Mogri was too terrified to play a trick on Samba.

Direct-Indirect Speech from story of The Trickster Monkey:
1.      He said that he would teach a lesson soon
Sumber: http://shortstoriesshort.com/story/the-trickster-monkey/


Tag Question Task 4

*add the question tag at the end of the following sentences

1.       They want to come, won’t they?
2.       They won’t  be here, will they?
3.       He has learned a lot in the last couple of years, hasn’t he?
4.       She has not in car, has she?
5.       Joan can’t come with us, can he?
6.       Those aren’t your books, are they?
7.       Everyone can learn how to play the violin, didn’t they?
8.       Something is wrong with you today, isn’t it?
9.       Nothing is wrong, is it?
10.   She went to the campus yesterday, didn’t she?
11.   You had a good time last week, hadn’t you?
12.   You should leave for the airport by six, don’t you?
13.   She doesn’t have cats, does she?
14.   Nobody has told you the secret, did they?
15.   I am right, aren’t i?
16.   Let’s study English, shall we?
17.   He is never late to class, is he?
18.   Your parents haven’t arrived yet, are they?
19.   Class ends 11.00, isn’t it?
20.   Mala sat next to ria last meeting, aren’t they?

Selasa, 02 Juli 2013


Process management skills

Process management is the ensemble of activities of planning and monitoring the performance of a process. It understands application of knowledge, skills, tools, techniques and systems to define, visualize, measure, control, report and improve processes with the goal to meet customer requirements profitably. It can be differentiated from program management in that program management is concerned with managing a group of inter-dependent projects. But from another viewpoint, process management includes program management. In project management, process management is the use of a repeatable process to improve the outcome of the project.  
Process Management is vital to organizational competitiveness. At a time of exceptional change both within organizations and society, the issue of staffing the necessary process management skills and aligning them with appropriate tasks and positions is becoming increasingly important. There are a number of imperatives for executives and managers as they lead the processes within an organization that are requiring continuous engagement in training for performance improvement.

In my opinion the management process is recycling some basic ideas related activities dsecara integral.

Sumber: http://www.cira.org.mk/index.php/en/capacity-building/public-training/process-management-skills


Personnel management can be defined as obtaining, using and maintaining a satisfied workforce. It is a significant part of management concerned with employees at work and with their relationship within the organization.
According to Flippo, “Personnel management is the planning, organizing, compensation, integration and maintainance of people for the purpose of contributing to organizational, individual and societal goals.”
According to Brech, “Personnel Management is that part which is primarily concerned with human resource of organization.”
Nature of Personnel Management
  1. Personnel management includes the function of employment, development and compensation- These functions are performed primarily by the personnel management in consultation with other departments.
  2. Personnel management is an extension to general management. It is concerned with promoting and stimulating competent work force to make their fullest contribution to the concern.
  3. Personnel management exist to advice and assist the line managers in personnel matters. Therefore, personnel department is a staff department of an organization.
  4. Personnel management lays emphasize on action rather than making lengthy schedules, plans, work methods. The problems and grievances of people at work can be solved more effectively through rationale personnel policies.
  5. It is based on human orientation. It tries to help the workers to develop their potential fully to the concern.
  6. It also motivates the employees through it’s effective incentive plans so that the employees provide fullest co-operation.
  7. Personnel management deals with human resources of a concern. In context to human resources, it manages both individual as well as blue- collar workers.
In my opinion management of personnelis an art to carry out the planning, controlling, so the effectiveness and efficiency of personnel can be increased as much as possible in achieving goals.

Sumber: http://www.managementstudyguide.com/personnel-management.htm



Manajemen dapat didefinisikan dari dua sudut pandang, yaitu sebagai proses penyelenggaraan berbagai kegiatan dalam rangka penerapan tujuan dan sebagai kenzampuan atau keterampilan orang yang menduduki jabatan manjerial untuk memperoleh sesuatu hasil dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan melalui kegiatan-kegiatan orang lain. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa manajemen merupakan inti dari administrasi karena memang manajemen merupakan alat pelaksana utama administrasi. Dalam hubungan ini perlu diperhatikan bahwa manajemen dalam ARTI kelompok pimpinan tidak melaksanakan sendiri kegiatan-kegiatan yang bersifat operasional, melainkan mengatur tindakan-tindakan pelaksanaan oleh sekelompok orang yang disebut bawahan. Dengan perkataan lain, dapat dikatakan bahwa administrasi dan manajemen tidak dapat dipisah-pisahkan. Hanya kegiatan-kegiatannya yang dapat dibedakan. Apabila dilihat dari segi fungsional, administrasi mempunyai dua tugas utama, yakni menentukan tujuan menyeluruh yang hendak dicapai (organizational goal); (2) menentukan kebijaksanaan umum yang mengikat seluruh organisasi (general and over all policies). Sebaliknya, manajemen pada hakikatnya berfungsi untuk melakukan semua kegiatan-kegiatan yang perlu dilaksanakan dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan dalam batas-batas kebijaksanaan umum yang telah ditentukan pada tingkat administrasi. Jelas hal ini tidak berarti bahwa manajemen tidak boleh menentukan tujuan, akan tetapi tujuan yang ditentukan pada tingkat manajemen hanya boleh bersifat departemental atau sektoral. Sekaligus hal ini di bidang penentuan kebijaksanaan tidak pula berarti bahwa pada tingkat manajemen tidak ada proses penentuan policy. Hanya saja kebijaksanaan yang ditentukan pada tingkat manajemen hanya boleh bersifat khusus dan/atau pelaksanaan (operasional). Hal-hal yang dikatakan di muka kiranya jelas menunjukkan bahwa manajemen merupakan aspek administrasi dan oleh karena itulah administrasi lebih luas daripada manajemen. Hal ini perlu ditegaskan mengingat bahwa baik di kalangan teoretis maupun praktisi masih sering terdapat ditalisme pengertian administrasi. Di satu pihak terdapat pengertian administrasi dalamarti Iluas seperti telah didermisikan pada permulaan bab ini.
Di lain pihak masih terlalu sering administrasi itu diartikan secara sempit, yaitu administrasi dalam pengertian ketatausahaan yang sesungguhnya hanya merupakan bagian kecil dari kegiatan-kegiatan operasional administrasi dalam ARTI luas. 4. Kepemimpinan (Leadership) Sering dikatakan bahwa kepemimpinan merupakan inti manajemen. demikianlah halnya karena kepemi mpinan merupakan "motor” atau daya penggerak semua sumber-sumber dan alat-alat (resources) yang tersedia bagi suatu organisasi-Resources itu digolongkan kepada dua golongan besar, yaitu (1) sumber daya manusia, dan (2) sumber daya lainnya. Karenanya dapat dikatakan bahwa sukses atau tidaknya suatu organisasi men-capai tujuan yang telah ditentukan sangat tergantung atas kemampuan para anggota pimpinannya untuk menggerakkan sumber-sumber dan alat-alat tersebut sehingga penggunaannya berlangsung dengan efisien, ekonomis, dan efektif. 

In my opinion, the way to send an information about administration or accounting, so can help management for discreetnees an business operational.

Sumber: http://selaputs.blogspot.com/2011/02/definisi-manajemen-administrasi.html